International Initiatives for Cooperation is presenting to your attention one opportunity for European Voluntary Service in one beautiful small town in Bulgaria called Razlog. You can challenge your music, dance, art and social skills in our voluntary creative workshops for 5 months.
We are looking for young and motivated volunteers from European countries (except Spain, Italy, Portugal and Turkey).
If you have good communication skills and skills to work with children and people with disabilities
If you have the ability to work in a team and to be open for intercultural dialogue
If you have diverse creative skills such as dancing, music, crafts, sports and outdoor activities, ecology and environment, arts, creative writing and entrepreneurship
If you are possible to organise your time and tasks and
If you have the motivation to participate in different events organised by us – IIC
If you have fluent English
And last but it should be first – if you have the eager to participate in the project activities and to share your experience and skills to the people that you will interact with:
then your place is in “Creative Youth Academy” (CYA) project – the town of Razlog.
The project is financed by Erasmus+ programme and all of the expenses are covered by the programme.
If you are interested to participate please send your CV and Motivation letter to the following emails: