TITLE | Make a Difference / Nepal |
FOUNDING PROGRAM | Youth in Action EACEA / European Voluntary Service |
PERIOD | From 01/03/2013 to 30/06/2014 |
PARTNERS | 1. IIC – applicant 2. Partner – Quest Volunteer Travels & Tours (P) |
OBJECTIVES | The objectives of the current project are: -To build the capacity of the volunteers for personal and professional realization and to develop their knowledge and skills in non-formal education, intercultural learning and active participation, thus to turn them into multipliers into their societies; -To encourage cooperation between partners from European and non-European countries in the field of youth policies and youth support systems; -To encourage intercultural dialogue between young people with different cultural background and to promote common cultural values, thus to contribute to social inclusion and social cohesion. 7 volunteers from Nepal will implement their EVS in Bulgaria and 7 volunteers from Bulgaria will implement their EVS in Nepal. The duration of their services will be 2 months each. Every week the volunteers will participate in a non-formal education training on various topics related to their personal and social development and after that they will try themselves out as non-formal education practitioners and will organize activities for the local youngsters. After they return back home they will be able to multiply the experience among their peers. The volunteers will also organize cultural ateliers WINdows, where they will promote and present their culture to the local communities. The main methods that will be used during the project are non-formal education, peer to peer education, experiential learning and learning by doing. |
OUTCOMES | The project results will be disseminated throughout partner organisations and young people from the countries included in the project as well as among their partner organisations and youth in other countries. Most of the activities will be open for local people who will have the chance to become part of the intercultural dialogue and communication with representatives of different cultural background. The outcomes from the voluntary activities will be published in the most active and popular social media channels, so that the materials will be available to large number of target groups representatives and (potential) partners. Detailed information will be published on the partners’ websites. Local and regional meida will provide publicity of the initiatives organised by the volunteers and thus more youth will be attracted by the concept of EVS and their interest in volunteerism will be increased. The results of the activities will indicate volunteers’ development during the process of non-formal education for multipliers of youth and intercultural activities. Volunteers will be trained to multiply their competences on project management, youth work and cultural initiatives in the local community of their organisations. During their voluntary service the volunteers will publish various impressions, facts and personal experience in the online “Guidebook of the Volunteer”, which will contain useful and helpful information about EVS and will be dissemianated in the partner countries with the purpose to promote the concept of EVS in Europe and on other continents. The “Guidebook of the Volunteer” along with the results and outcomes of the voluntary activities will be disseminated in the partnership networks of the organisations. |
SUMMARY | Make a Difference is an EVS project which involves partners from Programme Countries and Other Countries of the World. Organisations from Bulgaria and Nepal will cooperate within the project on the themes of Youth Policies and Art and Culture. The project will tackle the themes of youth policies and youth support systems by developing the capacity of the participants and providing them with skills and competencies in non-formal education tools. The main project idea is that during their EVS the volunteers will obtain set of tools and will become familiar with approaches and good practices which have proven to be successful in youth work. Later on, when they go back to their countries they will be able to multiply the experience among their peers and to exploit non-formal education tools for encouraging active participation, mutual understanding, social inclusion, social cohesion and intercultural dialogue. Thus, the project contributes to the development of youth policies in the countries involved in the project. |
BUDGET | Total budget 35420 euro |