Mobility Of Volunteers in Europe – MOViE

TITLE Mobility Of Volunteers in Europe – MOViE
FOUNDING PROGRAM CITIZENSHIP EACEA / Action 1 – Active Citizens for Europe
PERIOD From 15/01/2012 to 15/12/2012
PARTNERS 1. International Initiatives for Cooperation – Private, Non-profit federation; Bulgaria
2. The Black Sea University Foundation – Private, Non-profit federation; Romania
3. Hellenic Foundation for Culture – Public, Non-profit federation; Greece
OBJECTIVES 1. To promote and raise awareness on active citizenship on the Balkans
2. To encourage mobility and networking and seek synergies between various sectors and stakeholders in Europe in order to support civil participation and development
3. To address the needs and challenges of modern civil society through applying innovative and creative ways to express civic participation
4. To create appreciation towards volunteering as a form of active citizenship
5. To foster mutual understanding, share and respect values and intercultural dialogue.
OUTCOMES 1. An intercultural dialogue was established between participants in the project, on one hand, and between them and local target groups they  met during the project implementation, on the other hand.
2. The European partner organisations will strengthen the cooperation in thematical activities.
3. The civil society sector in Europe was “mobilised” and diversified.
4. The project idea was broadcasted through social and conventional media.
5. The capacity of all involved actors to handle social issues and address them by proposing civic actions and initiatives was increased.
BUDGET Total budget 124 962,00 €
3. HFC

About Kostadinka Todorova

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