Practical Educational Approaches for Civic Equality

TITLE Practical Educational Approaches for Civic Equality / “PEACE”
FOUNDING PROGRAM CITIZENSHIP EACEA / Action 2 Active Civil Society in Europe
PERIOD From 01/12/2010 to 01/08/2011
PARTNERS 1. International Initiatives for Cooperation, Bulgaria 2. Asociatia Tinerii Secolului XXI, Romania 3. Associazione Culturale II Monastero, Italy 4. Youthnet Hellas, Greece 5. United Youth of Europe, Austria
OBJECTIVES The goals of PEACE project were to reject the forms of violence and to prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes and try to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations. As a whole the project thrives to 1. Develop models for effective behavior in multicultural environment 2. Create a feeling for togetherness among the youngsters and explore the things that unite them 3. Young people perceive differences as values, to become more sensitive to those differences 4. Improve young people’s knowledge and awareness on other cultures 5. Develop a tolerant community among young people from conflict areas
OUTCOMES The project will provide the multipliers with information, expertise and interactive tools that they will be able to apply in their work thus positively influencing the youngster’s perceptions and attitudes towards different cultures. The youngsters shall be provided with new ideas making them the bearers of change in nowadays society. The project had a great impact on local level thanks to the organization of two international campaigns marking the Day of Europe.
BUDGET Total budget 21 450
LINKS 1. IIC WEB: Email:; 2. TSXXI WEB: Email: 3. ACM Email: 4. YH WEB: Email: 5.UYE Email:

About Kostadinka Todorova

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