Strategic Tools for Effective Promotion and Sustainability for NGOs – STEPS for NGOs

TITLE Strategic Tools for Effective Promotion and Sustainability for NGOs – STEPS for NGOs
FOUNDING PROGRAM Youth in action Programme Action 3.2
PERIOD From 01/12/2010 to 31/11/2011
PARTNERS 1.International Initiatives for Cooperation – Public, non-profit, NGO ; Bulgaria
2.Associazione Culturale Il Monastero – Private, NGO; Italy
3.United Youth of Europe – Public, NGO; Austria
4.Peru Sonqoykipi – Public, non-profit, NGO; Peru
5.Vive Mexico – Public, non-profit, NGO; Mexico
6.QUEST VOLUNTEER TRAVELS & TOURS (P) – Public body at regional or local level; Nepal
7.YOUTHNET HELLAS – Private, Non-profit, NGO; Greeece
8.Volunteer for Community Development and Environmental Education Organization – Private, Non-profit, NGO; Viet Nam
OBJECTIVES 5.1 The present call for proposals aims at:
5.1.1 Promoting long-term and sustainable cooperation between youth organizations from Programme and Partner countries;
5.1.2 Fostering the process of development of quality youth policies and services with a special focus on any type of socially excluded young people in Partner countries, based on the European experience in the field;
5.1.3  Developing a network of youth organisations and other relevant stakeholders from Programme and Partner countries aimed at promoting the exchange of experience and good practices in the field of youth development;
5.1.4  Building up the capacity of youth organisations from Partner countries with the purpose of contributing towards the process of youth empowerment and active participation which leads to democratisation and civil society development;
5.2 Themes that will be tackled by the project proposal:
5.2.1  Participation of young people
5.2.2  Cultural diversity
5.2.3  Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
5.2.4  Global issues affecting young people, such as climate change, sustainable development, migrations, and the Millennium Development Goals
5.2.5  Combating poverty and social exclusion
OUTCOMES Quantitative results expected to be achieved by the project are described bellow:

6.1.  A pilot training course for multipliers on image building and marketing of NGOs organised in Bulgaria attended by 20 participants;
6.2.  A feasibility visit organised in Europe hosting 20 participants representing partner organisations;
6.3.  A series of meetings with active NGOs, institutions and media organised during the feasibility visit in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Austria
6.4.  5 local promotional campaigns designed and organised in Partner countries (Nepal, Viet Nam, the Philippines, Mexico and Peru) to attract new members and representatives of their target groups;
6.5.  5 local networks established, involving youth NGOs, institutions and any other relevant stakeholders;
6.6.  Need assessment of the target groups conducted;
6.7.  Tailor-made programmes designed to meet the specific needs of the target groups;
6.8. 5 local trainings held in the Partner countries(Nepal, Viet Nam, the Philippines, Mexico and Peru) and attended by at least 100 participants;
6.9.  A Plan for Strategic Development of the network elaborated and agreed upon by partners;
6.10. A closing conference held in Vienna and attended by 60 participants to present the results and officially sign a memorandum of understanding between partners;
6.11. A guide book STEPS for NGOs developed, printed out and distributed;
6.12.  At least 9 publications and/or broadcasts in mass media;
6.13.  Regular publications in project website, partners’ websites and all kinds of social media (facebook groups, twitter, flicker, youtube, vimeo, etc.);

Qualitative results expected to be achieved by the project:
6.14. Preconditions and prerequisites for identifying and establishing mechanisms for sustainable partnerships between Programme and Partner countries set up;

6.15. Capacity of partner organisations to network and cooperate on international level increased;

6.16. Capacity of partner organisations to successfully promote themselves and address local needs enhanced;

6.17. Awareness and understanding about issues concerning social inclusion, cultural diversity, active participation and networking raised;

6.17. Intercultural, interethnic and interreligious dialogue between target countries promoted and initiated;
Flow of information and sharing of experience in the field of youth development between Programme and Partner countries stimulated;

BUDGET Total budget 134040
LINKS 1.International Initiatives for Cooperation
2. Associazione Culturale Il Monastero
3. United Youth of Europe
6. Volunteer for Community Development and Environment Education Organization

About Kostadinka Todorova

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