Call for Bulgarian participants YE “Youth against modern day addictions!” (closed)

Call for Bulgarian participants YE “Youth against modern day addictions!” (closed)


International Initiatives for Cooperation is looking for 5 motivated Bulgarian youngster to participate in a Youth Exchange in Athens, Greece.

Youth Exchange “Youth against modern day addictions!”

Dates of YE: 13-24 February 2020

Arrival on 13th February 2020 (any time) & Departure on 24th February 2020

7 participants = 6 young people (18-30 years old) + 1 leader (no age limit)

Through this Youth Exchange the participants will share personal experiences and explore together the local realities concerning those behaviors among young people in different countries. They will try to identify the reasons underlying the symptomatology of addictive behaviors, as any form of addiction is the façade underneath which a different core problem is hidden. Furthermore, they will exchange knowledge and ideas about the most successful ways to break addictive patterns but also how to lead their lives in a meaningful and fulfilling way, which protects youth against the affliction of addiction.

Through several activities in the field of non-formal education they will also develop tools and techniques about how initiatives of young people can motivate peers to reduce their addictive behaviors. Thereby, participants will return to their home countries more motivated and better able to act not just in their own private life, but at the community level as well.

If you are interested to participate in the YE send your CV to those e-mail: tkostadinka@gmail.com; inter.initia.cooperation@gmail.com

Deadline for application: 24 January 2020

About International Initiatives for Cooperation

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