During the network meeting the members present at the network meeting and the capacity building managed to exchange experience and increased their level of cooperation by networking. The face-to-face communication gave them the opportunity to identify common areas of interest and cooperation. Although some of them know each other from before the organisations change their priorities and directions of work. The meeting was an opportunity for the old members to update their information and for the newcomers to get to know the members and the Network from inside. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation was formed on topics of common interest and of interest for the Foundation. The meeting was attended by 26 members of the network and 11 potential members who shared their experience and expertise. 56 % of the members reconfirmed their membership through online survey while during the staff missions about 25 of the members were met personally as all aspects of their network involvement were discussed with them and recorded with the purpose to be taken into consideration during the current and future project periods.
The of the network meeting was held on 5 May 2016 in the House of Europe in Sofia and the Capacity building component was organised on 6 and 7 May 2016 in hotel Hemus, Sofia.