
TITLE Art(Fellow)Ship
FOUNDING PROGRAM Youth Initiatives for Dialogue
PERIOD Duration of the project : 12 months
PARTNERS International Initiatives for Cooperation
Semiha Berksoy Opera Foundation
Development and Participation Association
OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the project is to establish bilateral relationships between GAF Global Art Association and two non-governmental organisations of the newly member country of the European Union, which is Bulgaria.  It basically aims to establish an exchange environment for cultural belongings and artistic practices. The project also intends to improve the conceptualism of “European citizenship” across the Turkish and Bulgarian youth organisations focusing on similarities and differences in perceiving and practicing performing arts.
Accordingly, GAF Global Art Association aims to reach the following specific objectives:
– To establish a research capacity to undercover similarities and differences in perceiving and practicing performing arts, specifically music and theatre, with respect to historical interconnections and current interactions between two societies;
– To survey the similarities and differences in basic fundamentals of theatre culture, including play writing, adaptation, stage and street performance styles, acting and stage decoration.
– To investigate the main constitutes of Turkish and Bulgarian music in particular and European and global music in general historically and currently.
– To generate new understandings and practices stemming from the similarities and differences in the above-mentioned two fields of art, and to include the public to witness and experience the resulting theatre and music outputs.
– To enable these partner organizations to have a sustainable connection for future cooperation in the fields of art and culture.
– To create a lively platform for these organizations mainly comprised of young art professionals to get the idea of being global, as a main part of arts, and of being European.
OUTCOMES The target of the workshops, 10 music and 10 theatre students who study in academia, will have accession to a significant experience involving demonstration of own ideas in performing arts and will be acknowledged about the cultural stance of music and theatre in Turkey and Bulgaria as well as the current endeavours. Besides, the students will gain professional experience in an international environment directed towards their own performance development and will find an opportunity to demonstrate their skills.
International Initiatives for Cooperation from Bulgaria will be a part of the all action and will gain further experience towards international project making and implementation. Even if the workshops take place in Istanbul, the information disseminated and the content developed will be applied in Bulgaria. Accordingly, the association will learn about the artistic methodology followed in Turkey and will get informed about the historical stance of performing arts in Turkey.
In addition, the success of the project and the sustainability of the intercultural dialogue via artistic perceptions and practices are expected to improve ‘European citizenship’ perceptions of the youth involved in the project and extend the information level regarding the social and cultural aspects of European integration. Therefore, the organisations’ capacity to advocate the cultural integration and establishment of sustainable relationships between youth organisations.
The scope of the project will teach both the applicant and partnering associations how to implement and manage Commission funded projects. This experience will be transferred to new project generation and new international cooperation alternatives among the partnering associations. In addition, the information and knowledge generated about new situation of the Youth Policy will upgrade the project development and implementation capacity of the partnering associations regarding youth involvement in performing arts.
BUDGET Total budget 68.480,88

About Kostadinka Todorova

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